Friday, 21 March 2008


... I'm falling to the Communists. Double whammy with a violent sicky bug and stomach pains.

This month was my last chance to become a Mum before the age of 35.

Excuse me I have a little mourning to do.

Hopefully we'll try again in May after a month's rest.


S. said...

I'm so sorry. :-( I was so hopeful that you'd finally get what you wanted. I hope you're taking care of yourself and giving yourself lots of treats. :-(

nikoline said...

So, so many HUGS. Thinking of you. Holding space for you this distance away and never having met you....

nikoline said...

but feeling connected to you nevertheless.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear that.

Limon de Campo said...

I'm so sorry. You don't deserve so much sadness.

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* proud new mother * last child * youngest daughter * tallest sister * favourite auntie * honest lover * furtive photographer * diary writer * compulsive dancer * tree hugger * mooncup promoter * chocolate taster * house plant murderer *

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